Money Made Simple Blog

Money Toolkit for Mums beliefs building wealth financialempowerment financialliteracy financialliteracyforwomen getgoodwithmoney Jan 29, 2023

As a mum, you are constantly juggling a million tasks and responsibilities. It can be easy to push your finances to the back burner, but it's important to prioritise your financial well-being. By implementing a few key beliefs, habits, and tools, you can take control of your money and set yourself u...

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Make 2023 YOUR Year! building wealth financialempowerment financialliteracy financialliteracyforwomen financialplanning getgoodwithmoney Dec 16, 2022

The beginning of a new year is often when we make resolutions and plans for the year ahead.
Quite often these donโ€™t survive the first month of the year, and there are a few reasons that could be the cause:

  • There are just too many resolutions and itโ€™s overwhelming to keep track of them, let alone
  • ...
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Money Gender Imbalance - New Data Released financialempowerment financialliteracyforwomen getgoodwithmoney moneyconfidence Sep 07, 2022

Income levels and the gender pay gap are topics that are receiving quite a bit if press lately, and rightly so. It is alarming that after so many years and with widespread awareness, that this is still even a topic we are discussing!

What triggered this blog post is some new data recently released by...

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Why Financial Empowerment for Women is SO Important financialempowerment financialliteracy financialliteracyforwomen getgoodwithmoney learnaboutmoney womenandfinances Aug 24, 2022

Women are at a greater risk of being single and poor in retirement - yes, that is confronting but it is real. Women are far less likely to have a financial plan for retirement than men. Financial Empowerment involves women getting a financial education and planning for their future.

Since April 202...

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