#62 How to Make More Time

Season #1

Time is something we all want more of.  More often than money being a limiting factor in decision making, it's time that becomes the constraint.

In business you can buy your time back through outsourcing, but there are other ways to become more effective with your time.

Here are the 7 ways to experience more hours in your day, that I go through in this episode:

  1. Create a plan for an area of your life that you want to improve, so you can focus on that
  2. Write a list of tasks you need and want to do, and prioritise them
  3. Batch your tasks by grouping similar tasks together (like cooking or preparing social media posts)
  4. Ask for help from your partner or kids. Look at carpooling for school drop off or pick up
  5. Schedule in whitespace in your calendar. Feeling refreshed, energised and having time for inspiration and thinking is imperative to becoming more productive with your time!
  6. Delegate or outsource where you can.  This depends on the amount of money you have and the time of life that you're in.  Some things you can't do this for, but write out the things that you really don't like doing, and see if you can outsource them (or delegate them to your partner or kids!)
  7. Get enough sleep.  Whatever amount you need to get in order to function at your best, aim for that.  The average is 8 hours per night, so if you're not sure, start there.  Just think about how much calmer you are and how much more patience and creativity you have after a good night's sleep.  You will find yourself much more productive as well!

There are other ways to manage time, and there are apps and books to help with it too.  I like to keep things simple, and an old fashioned pen and paper work well for writing a task list and then ticking it off :-)