#75 Frustration is Exciting

Frustration is something we all feel at some point in our lives.  The question is, WHY are we feeling frustrated?  What is the problem that's causing this feeling?

Before even answer this, get EXCITED about the fact that you're frustrated.  Why?  Because it means you have energy and you care enough about your life to feel like there should be changes made.

So much change in our lives is borne out of frustration.  The key is to make it measured and intentional change that is aligned with where you want to go.

In this episode I take you through the framework that I use on myself and with clients, for harnessing frustration for good:

  1. Talk about it.  Share your frustrations with people you trust and can help you at least make sense of it or support you;
  2. Be aware of and harness the energy, rather than turning everything in your life as a trigger for frustration.  Be conscious and find the source of the problem;
  3. Get clear.  Clarity is the best way to help you move forward and use this energy for good (instead of it turning into anger);
  4. Take focussed action.  Once you are clear on what the problem is, develop action steps to help you move passed the frustration and into focussed action.