#122 Money Stories Holding Us Back

Season #1

As children we learn through stories.  Swashbuckling characters, heroes, villains, obstacles overcome, and mysteries solved.  They are etched in our minds and form the basis of how we learn and how we share what we have learned and how we feel.

For instance, I love puzzles and solving problems.  My first "literary love" was Agatha Christie.  To this day I still love reading her books and watching the TV and movie adaptations of her work.

I also love Jane Austen and the portrayal of women in those days and how they graciously overcame the societal limitations of their circumstances.

How money forms within our minds works much the same way.  We see, hear and experience things that money impacts as we grow and develop, and these leave markers in our mind.  Often these markers are holding us back.

Here are just a few of those I go through in this episode:

  • Stereotypes (especially gender and culture)
  • Imposter syndrome (or feels of inadequacy or unworthiness)
  • Conditioning
  • Fear
  • Negativity Bias.

I also go through ways to combat these and how to rewrite your stories.