Money with Alpha

Money with Alpha

Hosted by: Alpha Schulte

Welcome to Money with Alpha, where I share simple tips for how to make, save and invest money, while also connecting your values with your lifestyle, so you can achieve the life you really want. You will also hear...


#114 Parenting & Neurodiversity with Leanne Tran

Season #1

Parenting (like money) is not something we are taught, yet we have to navigate somehow. Where you are also parenting a child who is neurodiverse, there is potentially more complexity. Leanne Tran is a psychology who...
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#112 Maree Kirkpatrick on Selling with Ease

Season #1

Maree Kirkpatrick is passionate about helping business owners learn how to sell without it feeling uncomfortable and something to actively avoid. Her approach is simple, straight forward, and very human-centric. In...
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#110 How to Make Sourdough Bread for $7

Season #1

There is nothing that beats the smell and taste of bread fresh out of the oven.  When I was a kid my mum had a breadmaker and we used it pretty regularly. Nowadays, with sourdough being a bit kinder on some tummies...
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#108 Living Life Intentionally

Season #1

How much of our lives are we living truly based on our own design (and not someone else's, or society's)? Our lives are influenced by our Beliefs, Stories and Behaviours, around money, and other areas.  Being inspired...
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#107 Making Money Fun

Season #1

Procrastination and avoidance is something we do when we don't like it.  Money tends to be one of those somethings.  And it doesn't need to be like that.  Especially as money is extremely important. In this episode I...
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#105: How to Budget for Business & Personal

Season #1

Budgeting is something that many of us avoid, but know we really should do.  It's a bit like exercise, only exercising you can make somewhat fun (think Zumba!)... Being aware of what is coming in and what is going out...
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#103 Manifestation and Money Strategy

Season #1

Manifestation and Money Strategy might seem like a odd combination, but in order to make anything real (which is what manifestation essentially is), you first need to be super clear. Strategy gives you direction and...
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#102 Reach Your Retirement Number Faster

Season #1

  What better way to reach retirement faster than to pay off your debts and invest more! Debt is not a fun topic, so the best thing to do is talk about how to get rid of it as quickly as possible!  Especially debt...
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#101 5 Money Habits to Build Wealth in Your 30s and 40s

Season #1

Habits have the power to help us and hold us back.  Are you happy with your money habits and how they are influencing your finances? These habits apply to both your business finances and your personal finances. Here...
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#100 What We Pay Attention to Improves

Season #1

 Think of the different areas of your life, and what happens if you don't pay them enough attention: Relationship with your partner - this doesn't get better with less communication (especially if you avoid talking...
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#98 Emma Gilmour on Life After Alcohol

Season #1

This week, Emma Gilmour from Hope Rising talks about her experiences with alcohol and how quitting back in 2020 has changed her life for the better.  She now works with other women to help them develop a better sense...
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#97 How I Got From There to Here

Season #1

In this week's podcast episode I go through the 5 financial game changers that have influenced where I am today. It's been a 10 year long journey, so hopefully some of this might help you shorten your journey! You can...
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