Financial Health Self-Assessment

 Find out how healthy your finances are, and what to do about it!


Get instant access to the FREE Financial Health Self-assessment Quiz here:

Are you unsure how healthy your finances really are, and concerned about what you don't know?

There are so many things to be on top of as a business owner, and money is a vital part of being in business.  After all, even if we started our businesses because we wanted to make an impact, we still need to make money.

Over time, we learn some things by trial and error, but wouldn't it be great to have more clarity and direction, and to feel more in control of our money?

First things first though, is to know what your current financial health actually is.  That's why I created this Financial Health Self-Assessment, to help you figure out where your starting point is.

From there, I have included some tips to help you boost your financial health and get you moving.

One of the things I've learned, is that unless you know the right questions, and then who to ask, you can feel stuck in "but how" land for a very long time, spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere.

Believe me, I can relate!  I spent 10 years feeling stuck and frustrated, and I really want to help you and other women business owners become unstuck, so you can flourish financially, grow your business, make an impact, and most important of all, enjoy your life!

What this FREE Quiz will give you:
  • Understanding of yourself and where you are at, in terms of your financial situation and financial literacy
  • Clarity on what you can focus on immediately to begin making improvements to your finances
  • Practical tips for you to follow and make changes

As with all things, there is an element of money mindset behind the scenes, and that will come out in this self-assessment quiz. 

This is more than just a quiz, it can propel you forwards and give you the boost you need to take the right action!

It is completely free, there are 10 questions, and there is no obligation to do anything beyond taking the quiz.


About Alpha

As a mum myself, I'm fully aware of the mum-life juggle, and having my daughter is what really propelled me further on the money and self-discovery path.  Money is about more than just the mechanics of what to do.  Much of what holds many of us back is the energy we have towards money, which is holding you back.  That's why I created this program - to inspire, motivate and guide you through practices to help you raise your money energy, so you can create the abundance you want.

A little bit about my story - I started out as a tax accountant and moved into management consulting and then studied financial planning.  It was then that I realised how much we aren't taught about personal finance, and as I started helping friends and family to start with, I also realised the personal "stuff" that needs to be worked on and shifted!  So, my approach is very wholistic - helping you identify your Core Values and Lifestyle Vision, then working on your limiting beliefs and money stories, as well as your habits and goals. Then comes the money work - by then you are set up, clear and ready to take action!