Wealth with Wine for Women

Learn ways to build wealth the simple way, led by Alpha Schulte, and discuss how to develop the Habits & Beliefs to help you reach your Goals

Being held in Wynnum on Thursday 9 February, 2023 from 6pm to 8:30pm (more details below).











A Women's Wealth Building Discussion

Making it to the end of school holidays, physically and mentally intact is a feat in itself!

Then come the New Year's Resolutions - get into shape, go to bed earlier, read more, get my finances in order - these are just a few that I can relate to, and I'm guessing you can too.

That's where this event comes in - to help you to get your finances in order, especially the building wealth part.  I realise money can feel overwhelming and just plain boring, but it doesn't have to be.  Especially not when you sit down with a group of ladies (and a glass of wine) and let me take you on the journey of both self-discovery and financial empowerment.

Building wealth is as much to do with your mindset as it is with the actions that you take.  I believe that you can't have one without the other.  So, this event will talk about Values, Beliefs, Habits, as well as the pragmatic side of money, which includes saving, investing and superannuation.

Come along for a fun night of socialising, wine, food and helping to kick start your New Year's resolution about money!


Here is the all important what, where, when and why...


This event is social and informative, discussing money and life, and the things that we can find overwhelming, and how to deal with them.

Alpha will guide the conversations and provide some valuable tools and strategies for building wealth (i.e. saving, investing and superannuation optimisation) and to help you shift the blockages that are holding you back from making the changes you need to make.

Specific areas for discussion will be:

  • What is Wealth - this means something different to everyone, so how to pursue what is right for you;
  • Limiting Beliefs - what they are and why they are so powerful in both holding you back and propelling you forward;
  • Goals - what are they really and why you do actually need them.  There is a way to set them so you actually achieve them though!
  • Habits - again, we will go through what habits actually are and why they can be incredibly useful.  Understanding what the right habits are for you and how you can change the habits that are holding you back, will be part of this discussion;
  • The power of simplicity and finding joy in simplifying your life.

All this while enjoying some finger good and a glass of vino!

Here is what is included in the ticket price of $49:

  • Wealth building strategies
  • Mindset strategies
  • 1 glass of wine (red or white)
  • Savoury nibbles.


Cedar & Pine Bar

139 Bay Terrace, Wynnum 4178


Thursday 9 February, 2023

Commences at 6pm (so you can have something to eat, grab your included glass of wine, and have a chat before we start at 6:30pm).

Finishes at 8:30pm.

Savoury nibblies are also included (dietary requirements can be catered for, when known in advance).

The WHY:

Money and wealth aren't taught in school.  Become more informed and aware of what you want money to do for you, and it will help you tick this off your list of things to worry about.

When women gather, we create a village to support and learn from one another. This event will discuss the key mindset challenges that we face in life and money.  

Learning how to turn them into something where we can harness the power, rather than feel overwhelmed by it, is important to experiencing happiness and making confident decisions.

If you're a busy mum, then this evening will give you some tangible steps to take towards building wealth and the lifestyle you want - now and in the future.



About Alpha

Alpha is an ex-tax accountant, with over 20 years' experience in the finance and management consulting world.  Having studied financial planning, Alpha realised that personal & money education was important and not readily available. She went on her own learning journey (including studying NLP and becoming a Certified HBDI Profile Practitioner) & now helps other women connect their Core Values to their money, in a nurturing way.  Alpha is also a Bayside local and has a 7 year old daughter.

Frequently Asked Questions


When women gather, wonderous things happen.

This event will help give you clarity on how to build wealth and
overcome any mental money blockers for $49.