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Awareness, Curiosity & Clarity Trio

Oct 11, 2023

If you find yourself in a situation, whether it be in your personal life or business, that you don't completely like, the only way to make a change is to first become aware of the issue or problem.

Awareness is THE first step in any journey.  Without it, you don't actually go anywhere, do anything or change anything.

When it comes to money, this is essential.  Until you become aware of needing to understand your finances more and know how your money mindset is impacting you, then you won't do anything about improving either your finances or your mindset.

You also won't know how big or small the potential problem even is.  You could be worrying about something that isn't that big of a problem.  Or, it could be a bigger problem than you realise.

The thing is, being aware of it is the only way to figure out what you need to do.

Once you have the awareness, next comes Curiosity.  Questioning why you are in the situation you're in, why you believe the money stories that you do, etc. 

Ask yourself a variety of questions, like an investigative reporter - What do you believe?  Where do you feel it in your body?  Why do you believe this to be true?  When did you start to believe it? Who was the catalyst for this to become a belief that you have about yourself?  How are you going to begin to change this belief?

You can use this technique with more than just Beliefs as well.  You can use it in relation to managing your cashflow too - What is the current state of your monthly cashflow? Where are there areas for improvement? Why is it in the state it is currently in? When or how long has it been this way - are there any obvious trends? Where can improvements be made?  How will you go about making those improvements?

See - asking questions and digging deeper with being curious uncovers some pretty powerful things.  Often confronting yes, but if you're still reading, you are the sort of person who can handle a challenge :-)

Curiosity helps you to figure out what you need to change, which is where Clarity comes in.

Clarity makes everything SO much easier.  We often launch off into problem solving mode, before we are even aware of what problem we are trying to solve.  Heading off without this means you haven't started with awareness first, and then comes frustration, procrastination, and more "fun" things.

We often spend far too little time become clear on what it is we want our life to look, feel and be like.  Without this, the decisions we make are pretty directionless and random.

I really encourage you to take some quiet time for yourself (even if you can only manage 15 minutes).  Sit in silence and do nothing.  You can close your eyes if you like.  Let your mind wander and the thoughts flow.  there is no pressure or constraints on what you can or can't do.  Just BE.  Have a journal and pen next to you, so once your quite time is over you can write down any downloads or ideas that surfaced.

This is why it is so powerful to become Aware, get Curious and be Clear.