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Power of Money Flow

Oct 10, 2024

Money Flow creates financial harmony in your business and personal life.

As a small business owner, you may often find yourself caught up in the constant cycle of earning and spending, wondering why money always seems to be a source of stress rather than a source of peace. The key to unlocking financial harmony lies in understanding the concept of "money flow."

What is Money Flow?

The idea of money flow revolves around the energy that money carries in our lives. It’s a cycle of money coming in and going out. When we're in a state of flow, there’s an ease and calmness to how money moves through our lives. But when we're tense, stressed, or overwhelmed, this flow gets interrupted, and that’s where financial anxiety begins to creep in.

The Importance of Mindset

To truly experience financial flow, we must first address our mindset. Many of us have ingrained beliefs and stories about money that we’ve carried with us from childhood or past experiences. These beliefs can create barriers that prevent money from flowing freely into our lives. For example, if you grew up in a household where money was scarce (like my father did, as the youngest of five with only his mum earning a living), you might have developed a scarcity mindset that limits your ability to earn or save (which my dad did!).

A crucial step toward establishing a healthier money flow is identifying these beliefs and working to change them. Are you holding onto the idea that "money is the root of all evil" or that "rich people are greedy"? These beliefs can be silently sabotaging your financial success. Awareness is the first step.  Once you're aware of these beliefs you can start to challenge them, replace them with empowering thoughts, and watch how your relationship with money begins to shift.

Understanding the Inflow and Outflow

Once you’ve started working on your mindset, it’s time to address the mechanics of your money flow. This involves getting clear about the inflow (income) and outflow (expenses) of your money. I used to feel that I had an “income ceiling,” an invisible limit on what I could earn. Breaking through this ceiling often requires challenging limiting beliefs and taking practical steps to increase revenue.  Once I became consciously aware of this belief, I actively worked on it and ensuring my focus was not on the "limit", but rather the possibilities for abundance.

On the flip side, monitoring your outflow is just as important. Are you overspending when you’re stressed or rewarding yourself excessively for small wins? By looking at your spending patterns, you can identify areas where your money is leaking, and make adjustments to make sure more stays in your pocket.

Creating a Money System

To maintain a consistent money flow, it’s essential to have a system in place that supports your financial goals. A good money system will help you track your income and expenses, save for future goals, and invest in your personal and business growth. It’s not about cutting out all the fun or spontaneity but rather ensuring you have a clear plan for where your money is going.

Consider creating different funds for your goals, like a "Fun Fund", an "Emergency Fund", and an "Investment Fund" for future growth. Having a system in place gives you control and allows you to align your financial actions with your intentions.  Plus, giving your money a purpose makes it far less likely that your money will just seemingly "disappear".

Embracing the Flow

Remember, money is energy. It’s meant to flow in and out. When we resist this natural flow by clinging to money out of fear or letting it slip through our fingers due to lack of awareness, we disrupt the cycle. By becoming aware of our beliefs, understanding our financial patterns, and putting a system in place, we can create a sense of ease and harmony in our finances.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into this concept and want to learn practical strategies to align your business and personal finances, consider joining our upcoming event "Money Flow" starting on 28 October. This three-session experience will help you address your money mindset, establish a clear system, and create a plan to ensure your money flows smoothly in and out of your life.

Don't let money be a source of stress. Instead, let it be a source of empowerment as you create the life you desire.