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Celebrating Mother's Day

May 15, 2024

In some way shape or form, we have all experienced the care of a mother - whether it's our own or someone else's (including a grandmother).  There is something special about that caring energy, and Mother's Day is the perfect opportunity to recognise not just mothers, but caring, kind energy in general.

Love and kindness are energy, and as with all things, energy flows and is at its most powerful when it continuously flows in all directions, not just one way.

How do we make sure energy is flowing?  Through: 

  1. Gratitude
  2. Giving
  3. Receiving

Gratitude is incredibly powerful, and is the key to happiness and abundance.  Pick up any book on manifestation, and gratitude will be one of the first concepts mentioned.  I keep a daily gratitude journal and it is a wonderful way to focus on the areas of each day that make me feel fulfilled and that my cup is filling up.  Rather than on all the things that didn't work.

Like many things in life, it's what you focus on and the perspective that you choose to take from a situation. 

For example, recently my mother, daughter and I had a stall at our local markets, so we could sell the things that each of us had made.  The first week it poured down with rain.  We still went, because we had committed to each other that we would go.  We still made a few sales, and while disappointed with the turn out, we still made sure we looked at the fun side.  The whole experience of doing 3 Sundays of markets was financially not viable, but we all learned so much!  I'm incredibly grateful for the experience, and how we all pulled together and worked as a team.

Giving is something that we all do.  For mothers it is an innate part of who we are.  Whether it's giving time, money, experiences...  After a while, it becomes the unbalanced side of the scale though - constantly giving to others, and not taking the time to fill your own cup.  That's where the next step in the energy flow comes in...

Receiving completes this energy flow and is extremely important, because it's often the most difficult to do.  I know for myself that receiving and asking for help is something that I am constantly working on.  The thing is, by not allowing in the help from others, it doesn't allow them to give, and the energy flow is blocked or interrupted.


Be kind to yourself, and remember to come from a place of love.  The more we spread love and respond with love (rather than reacting with ego), the happier a world we will live in.

Happy Mother's Day!