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Reduce Waste and Live Sustainably

Save & Reduce Household Waste

moneybasics savemoney Jun 23, 2022

Saving money, helping the environment, and making your life simpler - it's like reaching the trifecta! About a year ago I started to look at ways to reduce the waste, expense and effort surrounding cleaning and cooking.

Like many people, I never enjoyed cleaning and only enjoyed cooking when I had the time. Life is too short to keep doing things the same way when it doesn't make you at least slightly happy.

So, I started to look for products that would replace the "throw aways" (things that get used either once or for a short period of time, and then get thrown away and replaced with the same thing, but new) - zip lock bags, dish cloth, dusting and cleaning cloths, food covers and cupcake shells. The one thing I didn't think I would be able to replace was baking paper - something I used very regularly. Turns out I was wrong! You can get reusable baking sheets!

The great thing is, these more permanent replacements are stronger, better quality and easier to work with! I also don't end up with lots of rubbish, or having to remember to put things on the shopping list.
All I have to do is either throw the cloths into a bag in the washing machine, or put the other things into the dishwasher - voila!

There are a few different companies out there that offer these sorts of products. You can do some research to find what suits you the best. I ended up going with Norwex for the cleaning cloths, and with Seed and Sprout for the baking sheets and other things (I don't get any kick backs or benefits from recommending these companies, I just use and like their products).