Money Made Simple Blog

The Cost of Moving House moneybasics reducingcosts savemoney Jul 05, 2022

Moving house is one of the most full-on experiences, and a few years ago I went through it for the first time with a toddler.  Compared to many people I know, I haven’t moved all that much – about 7 times in my whole life.  Each time I seemed to have accumulated more stuff – furniture, books, clothe...

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Simplicity is Sexy learnaboutmoney moneybasics moneymadesimple Jul 03, 2022

OK, so simplicity isn’t exactly “sexy”, but it is simple!  That’s as profound as I’m going to get, I promise.

Recently I worked with a client and helped to unravel some very complicated financial set ups. There were bills paid late, and account fees upon account fees, not to mention a very loose bud...

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To Capital Protect or Not? learnaboutmoney moneybasics savemoney Jul 01, 2022

Capital protection (usually in a managed fund) is something I first heard about a few years ago.  I always thought that the only capital protected accounts were in the bank, where the Government guaranteed up to $250,000.

However, there are companies that offer capital protected products that essenti...

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Health Insurance - What Do You Actually Need healthinsurance learnaboutmoney moneybasics Jun 29, 2022

Compared to many other Developed Countries we have a pretty good public health system, yet it's still advisable to have some private health insurance - particularly if you need anything medical that is classified as "non-essential".

I've had private health insurance for about 20 years, and the amount...

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How to Teach Your Kids About Money kids and money learnaboutmoney moneybasics Jun 25, 2022

Even though my daughter is only 6 years old, I’ve already started her money education journey.  It’s something I’ve been conscious of since she was about 2, starting with how my husband and I talk about money, spend money and portray the value or concept of money to her.  

This may seem like “over-th...

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Save & Reduce Household Waste moneybasics savemoney Jun 23, 2022

Saving money, helping the environment, and making your life simpler - it's like reaching the trifecta! About a year ago I started to look at ways to reduce the waste, expense and effort surrounding cleaning and cooking.

Like many people, I never enjoyed cleaning and only enjoyed cooking when I had ...

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Just Like Riding a Bike financialliteracy moneybasics Jun 21, 2022

Can you relate to the saying “it’s just like riding a bike”?

It’s something I heard a lot growing up, but never understood. The idea of muscle memory enabling me to just do something I’d learned years earlier without really thinking about it, wasn’t relatable for me.

You see, I never learned to ri...

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Imagine a Peaceful Money Life getgoodwithmoney moneybasics Jun 19, 2022

In the movie “Miss Congeniality” (stay with me, there is a point), there is a scene where each of the beauty pageant entrants are asked what they want most, and nearly all say “World Peace”.  
While wanting everywhere in the World to be peaceful is a lovely idea, it’s a pretty tricky concept to make ...

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Rising Interest Rates versus Overall Inflation financialliteracy learnaboutmoney moneybasics Jun 17, 2022

There’s been a lot of talk lately about rising interest rates and there’s a lot of concern around what that’s going to mean for the family budget.

What the Reserve Bank is trying to do is curb inflation and pull back the rising cost of goods and housing.

With inflation officially sitting at 5.1% (the ...

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How Money Resilient Are You? financialliteracy moneybasics Jun 11, 2022

We live in an age of buzz words, and one that I'm hearing a lot at the moment is about being "resilient". No matter what one's age or stage in life, resilience seems to play a part.

When my daughter was 18 months old, I read quite a bit about toddler development and "conscious parenting" and raising ...

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A Money Apple a Day... building wealth financialliteracy moneybasics Jun 09, 2022

An apple a day keeps the dentist away - isn't that how the saying goes?

I remember hearing this a lot as a kid. Not that my parents made me actually eat an apple every day, but the metaphor was clear - do something small each day (like brushing your teeth), and you won't have problems with your teeth...

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Basic Money Terms and What They Mean financialliteracy getgoodwithmoney moneybasics Jun 07, 2022

When talking about money, there are some terms that get thrown around that many people assume everyone knows.  The thing is, unless you work in a financial industry (and even if you do), how do you learn these terms and what they really mean?

There are no “money basics” classes in our schools.  If an...

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