Money Made Simple Blog

The Cost of Moving House moneybasics reducingcosts savemoney Jul 05, 2022

Moving house is one of the most full-on experiences, and a few years ago I went through it for the first time with a toddler.  Compared to many people I know, I haven’t moved all that much – about 7 times in my whole life.  Each time I seemed to have accumulated more stuff – furniture, books, clothe...

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To Capital Protect or Not? learnaboutmoney moneybasics savemoney Jul 01, 2022

Capital protection (usually in a managed fund) is something I first heard about a few years ago.  I always thought that the only capital protected accounts were in the bank, where the Government guaranteed up to $250,000.

However, there are companies that offer capital protected products that essenti...

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Save & Reduce Household Waste moneybasics savemoney Jun 23, 2022

Saving money, helping the environment, and making your life simpler - it's like reaching the trifecta! About a year ago I started to look at ways to reduce the waste, expense and effort surrounding cleaning and cooking.

Like many people, I never enjoyed cleaning and only enjoyed cooking when I had ...

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